23 Jul Mindful Money
We trade our lives for money. Shouldn't we be taking a more mindful approach to our personal finances?...
We trade our lives for money. Shouldn't we be taking a more mindful approach to our personal finances?...
Kathleen talks about becoming aware of and transcending the labels that contain us, hold us back...
Three daily habits that allow us to begin to think and act with more vision...
We can affect the quality of the day. Every single day. Ready?...
Kathleen talks about the physical side of things in this episode. She discusses the beauty of the scale and....
Can you imagine what your life would be if you could focus better? Can you imagine the impact on your life’s work?...
Kathleen shares the one thing she can hang her hat on during the times she is feeling cornered or small....
Impermanence is everywhere and always has been. Prior to this current situation, most of us were asleep to that fact. We were lulled by concepts of normalcy and stability....
These dark times will become our finest hour ⏤ I have no doubt about that. But they will require the best of us in terms of ingenuity, awareness, creativity and resourcefulness....
In a word, this interview is thrilling. You will see yourself and everyone you know through a new lens resulting in an opportunity to unleash a more powerful side...