5 Books – Read These

Episode 377. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau shares five books that have a profound influence on her life.



Host: Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau

Website: https://www.thekathleensessions.com

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:43 The first book: A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein

1:50 If you have an interest in architecture, interior design, home building, urban planning

2:06 Why some places, buildings, rooms feel amazing and others do not

2:47 The second book: Collapse by Jared Diamond UCLA

3:07 The most important book I have ever read. Should be required reading.

4:04 How we should be building, where we should be building, urban planning, the environment, soil, erosion, farming.

4:29 The third book: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, Phd

4:55 My insomnia journey

6:39 The fourth book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

8:36 James Clear has the perfect name. Clear and robust writer

9:04 The fifth book: I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

11:37 Passage from Maya Angelou

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